Saturday, June 6, 2009

Insane in the Membrane

Over our first couple of weeks in Mackay, we've had several moments of wondering what the hell we've gotten ourselves in for, but are slowly getting the hang of the tours and finding little gems around the place that possibly would've taken us months to find otherwise. I was pretty underwhelmed by Mackay at first but can see that it does have some merits in the proliferation of art deco architecture, plenty of beaches and gorgeous surrounding areas. It's also pretty flat (good for cycling) and has more charity shops than Stanthorpe, though that it getting tricky. I'm just about needing to adopt a one-in, one-out policy with clothes now if they are all going to fit in the available space, but did cheat this week by buying two tops and only giving away one. I'm well aware however, that I am fast approaching critical mass.

We both passed our driving tests and have also been authorised to take passengers. Woohoo! We now both feel confident doing the sugar mill tours and will probably only do one more of our respective day tours before we do them on our own. I will be doing the city tours and Bryn has two tours, cos he's got a bigger brain, which are to Cape Hillsborough to see wallabies on the beach and Eungela Rainforest for platypus spotting. Sadly I won't be able to tag along and see him do his best David Attenborough, as I'll be working myself, so I'll have to imagine it along with you.

Unfortunately, to be a knowledgeable guide you need to memorise a huge amount of figures if you are to have any chance of sharing general history or trivia, something I am useless at unless I can find a clear pattern of association, so I'm spending an inordinate amount of time trying to remember dates, dimensions and other assorted numbers. In previous jobs, I've always been caught out unable to remember specific targets on the spot, so I'm trying to stay positive and hope that it might help me develop a better system for remembering numbers. :o~ I'm trying to resist the temptation to offer to do an analysis on the business, cos I'm not convinced it would be welcome if uninvited, but it's so easy to spot potential areas for improvement on first encounters.

But brain frying aside, it's so very lovely to be wearing summer clothes again, particularly knowing that it's winter. I can't imagine what it's like here in summer and am reticent to find out first hand, but all going well by then we'll be heading in the direction of Tassie. Hmm.. now if I got rid of some winter clothes, I could probably fit a lot more summer things in...


  1. you can make more wardrobe space in the winter by wearing several layers ... thus making more room for more clothes! Although I just realised this IS yr winter *D`oh*

    Good luck memorising all the facts .. I`m sure peeps won`t be too concerned if ya forget a few dates tho? Ask if there is a staff suggestion box to ya bosses? See if they`re open to that 1st! :)

    Biggg hugzzz to ya both from me tim n dawny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Glad ya have some sunshiney weather :))

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Good luck with the memorising - also a down point for me so I understand. If caught out you can always just make it up, they are only tourists after all!! ;o) Just sound confident.

  3. making up answers is a doozy! I used to run tours on the canal in Hebden Bridge and had to learn loads of stuff, while I was learning I used to 'adapt' the tour to suit. My advice would be to do some of your own research, try and find interesting stories and anecdotes to make it more real to you. Also, I presume you are walking or driving around a set route? You can be a sneaky one and put things along the route that will prompt you (a chalk mark or a sticker or something) so that you have associations. Or if you're driving, work out the sequence and do a simple associtive bullet point list on your sun visor - when you get to a certain point you know you need to look at point 6 or whatever which will give you the elusive fact. before you know it you'll have learned em and will curse the space they take up in your brain box.

    big up yo clever selves!

    Things are going ok here, business has been a little shaky but looks like it's getting a bit of momentum now. We should be launching the re-tweeked website this week, which is exciting. Fil got a job too which is taking the pressure off and keeping her out of trouble (this is to be desired) and we areall looking forward to shenanigans in a few weeks, you will be missed!

    So, we'll have to make up for it at xmas innit! we're still aiming for that plan....

    love love love right on you. x x x

  4. Joe is there anything you haven't done? Thanks for the top tips will definitely use the sunvisor one.
    So if you are still coming this year does that mean Pesh & Cindy are getting married this year?

    Thanks for the parcel it has made us feel very speshal :o} (note to others that we like parcels)


  5. I has no idea about Pesh and cindy- I think it's next year innit? We're still planning this year as next may be a little complicated if Fil poos out a baby... :-D

    you're welcome my friends, for you are indeed speshal. x x x

  6. A baby? Geez, we leave you for 5 minutes and this is how much trouble you get into...

  7. we are troublesome for sure! x x x
