Thursday, March 11, 2010


Why is it so hard to maintain momentum for things like blogs? I mean, I should have seen it coming I guess. My past is full is abandoned diaries, songs and projects, and the boy's records for such things is even worse. But my eternal optimism always gets the better of me and I launch blissfully into a new idea, armed only with good intentions and fearless enthusiasm. But now, once again, I have to face the reality of my slackness and figure out what to do. So I guess my admission of slackness is a step in some direction or other, but right now my plan is to turn this blog into a random collection of musings and rants. Accompanied by that ever-present blind enthusiasm that somehow I'll be able to maintain this with some degree of regularity and retain some sort of readership.

But only time will tell, so here's Captain Enthusiasm signing off for now. Stay tuned for my next piece of assorted randomness....

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