Finally we have a moment to rest from our first great sojourn of our new life and a chance to update everyone on our adventures so far.
We are now the proud owners of a van/motorhome which is a 1985 Toaster Coaster with dual fuel (petrol & gas) 2.4litre engine with a professional fit out inside which includes fridge, microwave, reverse cycle aircon, gas cooker, a very large bed plus lots of storage and a kitchen sink. It has 2 80watt solar panels which charge a deep cell battery, running the fridge and the 12volt lights and we also have a 240 volt connection for when we are in caravan parks or like right now parked outside a friend’s house. It also has two awnings for shade.
Our little Jim weighs in at just under 4 tonnes and drives like a dream except up big hills where he slows to a snails pace to the annoyance of all those behind us.
We saw some really bad vans before Jim came along; completely illogical fit outs, oodles of rust, smoky motors, we were hugely relieved to find him, and near to Brisbane. We had begun contemplating travelling to various towns in other parts of the country, at great expense, to look at other vans that seemed to fit the bill, as nothing local seemed to be good enough.
Unable to contain our excitement, we took Jim out for a test run the day after we bought him, driving from Brisbane to Melbourne and back again. Along the way we met up with friends who have been fruit picking for the last 2 years for some valuable advice and encouragement, got a trusted mechanic friend to check Jim over and alleviate a few little worries, kitted him out from stuff in storage and mum’s surplus bits and bobs and went to an entheogenic symposium.
After a short sojurn in Brisbane doing all those things you have to do when changing countries - drivers' licences, medicare, tax file number, insurance, roadside assistance, changes of name and address, bank accounts.. blardy blah... we set off south again for the christmas/new year trip.
We are now back in Brisbane waiting for the stuff we sent over from the UK in October to be released by customs before we head to Stanthorpe for our first harvest job. We don't actually have a job lined up yet but have been reassured that pester power goes a long way with employment agencies, so we will keep hassling until they get sick of us turning up every day!
I know once we start working, it's going to be tough for the first while as we get used to it, but it's a necessary hurdle and i'll be much fitter (and hopefully lighter) for it, so i'm trying not to worry about it too much. Also, the transition from two healthy incomes to zero has been interesting but useful to help us see how much money you can piss up the wall without really noticing.
Now that we've finally set up a blog, hopefully the updates won't be too few and far between but it's all going to be dependent on a number of factors so it will no doubt be sporadic. In the meantime, any suggestions for a slogan to replace the cheezier than thou 'just coasting' on the front of Jim will be warmly received.
Jim is a beauty! I am very jealous. And it looks all green and warm, which is just not on.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the slogan upon his brow, how about;
NOT Dun Roamin
Brylls palace of perversion
The Underdogs
Cake Carriage
I shall now be thinking about this for ever. thanks. I think.
Love you guys! x x x
The word jealousy does not even come close, y'swines!
ReplyDeleteJim's a good name for the van - thought you'd named him after me until I saw the number plate (some obscure reference to dodgy emmissions)
Bel, Bryn - go for it, have a great time & keep in touch.
Much love
Jim (the one without wheels)
I think it should be: "My other ride is your mother"
Super glad to see you have a blog - I'm dead jealous!
V. happy to see this blog! Now we can all live the life vicariously through you - aaaahhh...
ReplyDeleteA new nom de van?
"Not in Kansas anymore"
"Why not?"
"Temporary Insanity"
Ginormous hugs, much love, good vibes, and all the best wishes that your dreams come true. I miss you both so much, but am happy that your adventure has begun!
Hurray! It looks cosy but somewhat unadorned, tsk! Pls communicate postal addresses forthwith for the conveyance of geegaws, gimcracks and maybe just some good old glitter covered tat!
PS NOT Dun Roamin gets my vote! (Biased? Moi?)
Woohoo! Proper real. and there's me thinking you'd just be twiddlin yer thumbs over there :D Wishing all the lucks to you on the job front - and knowing that you're both very resourceful people.
ReplyDeleteIt seems very exciting stuff - Jim is proper gertlush, and in Chanel Beige too?! It's SO this season according to Vogue dahlings... srsly!
"Brylliant in Beige"
sending hugs n' stuff xx